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            On this date, January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. I will post information about the Nazi seizure of power from Wikipedia.


Hitler at the window of the Chancellery on Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin while receiving the ovations of the people on the evening of the day. (January 30, 1933)
The Nazi seizure of power (German: Machtergreifung) refers to the acquisition by Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party) of the chancellorship of Germany, and of several other high-ranking cabinet posts, on 30 January 1933, following the appointment of Hitler as chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg, then aged 84. It also refers to the period of consolidation of Nazi power through intimidation and violence, culminating in the establishment of the Nazi Party as the only legal political party in Germany in July 1933.


The Nazis had learned from the failed Beer Hall Putsch of 9 November 1923, whereafter Hitler's lawyer and adviser Hans Frankdeveloped a Legalitätsstrategie ("legality strategy") for the "National Revolution" to formally and avowedly observe the law on the way to government takeover. After the huge success of the Nazi Party in the 1930 elections, the government of Chancellor Heinrich Brüning (Centre Party) tried to keep the state and constitution alive through a minority government supported by the Social Democrats, ruling by Article 48 emergency decrees. He pushed through a law proscribing the Nazi SA and SSparamilitary organizations, which had to be revoked in 1932 after pressure from right-wing forces around President Hindenburg and Defense Minister Kurt von Schleicher.

From an economic perspective, Brüning caused increased mass unemploymentthrough his rigid austerity program of public budget balancing. On 1 June 1932 President Hindenburg, urged by Schleicher, appointed as chancellor his right-wing confidant Franz von Papen, who strove for collaboration with the Nazis in order to use their popularity with the masses for himself. A coalition between the Centre Party, the national conservative German National People's Party(DNVP), and the Nazis only failed because of Hitler's demand for chancellorship. Since Papen had courted the Nazis, he did not forbid the NSDAP as a seditious party, though the Boxheimer Dokumente written by Werner Best and leaked to the Hesse State Police in 1931 revealed plans for another putsch by the Nazis and could have given rise to stern measures. Instead Papen and Hindenburg instigated a coup against the Prussian state government, the Preußenschlagdeposing the democratic state government under Minister-President Otto Braun, who was succeeded by Papen as a Reichskommissar.

In the German federal election of July 1932, the Nazi Party gained the largest number of seats in the Reichstag. After all of Papen's attempts to reach a coalition government had failed, federal elections were again held in November 1932, with the Nazis facing some losses but without any chance for Papen to reach a majority. He finally resigned, and though twenty representatives of industry, finance, and agriculture had signed the Industrielleneingabe, a petition requesting that Hindenburg make Hitler chancellor, on 2 December the president appointed Minister Schleicher. The new chancellor tried to gain the support of an anti-democratic Third Position alliance of DNVP and Nazis led by Gregor Strasser, along with national conservative pressure groups like Der Stahlhelm, referring to the joint efforts during the referendum of 1929 or the Harzburg Front of 1931. However these plans failed, and behind his back on 4 January 1933, Hitler met Papen, who agreed to join a Hitler Cabinet as vice-chancellor. Along with State Secretary Otto Meissner and Hindenburg's son Oskar, Papen could finally persuade the reluctant president to appoint Hitler. Papen and DNVP chairman Alfred Hugenberg trusted Hindenburg, who was able to depose the chancellor if necessary, and they were reassured by the fact that only two ministers in Hitler's cabinet, Hermann Göring and Wilhelm Frick, were Nazi Party members.



“Today, I will once more be a prophet. If the international finance-Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations of the world into a world war yet again, then the result will not be the bolzhevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.”
- Adolf Hitler, Speech to the Reichstag on January 30, 1939
English:Adolf Hitler delivers a speech at the Kroll Opera House to the men of the Reichstag on the subject of Roosevelt and the war in the Pacific, declaring war on the United States. Next to Hitler in the government benches (from right to left) are Joachim von Ribbentrop, Erich Raeder, Walther von Brauchitsch, Wilhelm Keitel, Wilhelm Frick and Joseph Goebbels. In the second row (from right to left) are Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, Walther Funk, Richard Walther Darré, Bernhard Rust, Hanns Kerrl, Hans Frank, Julius Dorpmüller, Arthur Seyss-Inquart and Fritz Todt. In the third row (from right to left) are Alfred Rosenberg, Otto Meißner and Johannes Popitz. (11 December 1941)

REMINDER: Keep in mind, I am not antisemitic and I have Jewish friends too. I do it for educational purposes.


January 30, 1939
Caution: Adolf Hitler was completely wrong about absolutely everything...usually. When Hitler said something that was actually correct, it was merely to set up the next lie. As with all good propagandists—and he certainly was that—he would begin with a few obvious, documented facts, and then proceed to distort them horribly. At any rate, the infamous German Führer’s worm-tongue rhetoric is NOT to be taken seriously, except as a classic example of the sort of masterful demagoguery from which appropriate lessons may hopefully be learned.

As always, read with an abundant degree of cautious skepticism.

When on the evening of 30 January 1933, six years ago today, beneath the light of their torches the tens of thousands of National Socialist fighters passed through the Brandenberger Tor to express to me the newly nominated Chancellor of the Reich, their feelings of overflowing joy and their confession of loyalty as my followers, countless anxious eyes both here in Berlin and throughout Germany Gazed at the beginning of a development the issue of which it appeared impossible to discern or to foresee. Some 13 million German voters, men and women then stood beside me. An imposing number, but yet only a little more than a third of the sum of the votes cast. It was true that the remaining twenty million were divided and split up between thirty five other parties and groups.

The one thing which united the opponents of National Socialism was their common hatred of the young movement, a hatred born of their guilty consciences and worse intentions, As is still does to-day in other parts of the world, this united the priests of the Centre Party and Communist atheists, the Socialist out to abolish private property and capitalists whose interests were bound up with the stock exchange, Conservatives who wished to destroy the State and Republicans whose aim was to destroy the Reich. During the long battle of National Socialism for the leadership of the country they had all come together in defense of their interests and made common cause with Jewry. The bishop politicians of the various Churches extended their hands in benediction over this union. And against this splitting up of the nation, united only in negation stood that third of German men and women, with their faith, those who had undertaken to raise anew the German people and Reich in the face of world internal and external opposition. The whole picture of the greatness of the collapse of Germany at that time begins gradually to grow dim, but one thing even today is not forgotten. It seemed that only a miracle could save Germany at the twelfth hour. And we National Socialist believed in this miracle. Over the belief in this miracle our foes made merry. The thought that one should wish to redeem the nation from a ruin which now lasted a decade and a half simply through the force of a new idea appeared to those who were not National Socialist as the delusion of visionaries [phantasterei]; to the Jews and other enemies of the State it appeared as the last insignificant spasm of force within the national resistance, and when that was exhausted one might hope to be able finally to annihilate not only Germany but Europe.

A Germany sinking in Bolshevist chaos would at that time have hurled the whole West into a crisis of unimaginable gravity. Only the most limited of islanders could persuade themselves into believing that the Red plague would of its own accord have cried a halt before the sacredness of a democratic idea of at the frontiers of States who had shown no interest in its advance. The rescue of Europe began at one end of the continent with Mussolini and Fascism. National Socialism continued this rescue in another part of Europe, and at the present moment we are witnessing in still a third country the same drama of a brave triumph over the Jewish international attempt to destroy European civilization, The six years which now lie behind us are filed with the most stupendous events in the whole of our German history. On 30 January 1933 I entered the Wilhelmstrasse filled with profound anxiety for the future of my people. Today after six years I am able to speak before the Reichstag of Greater Germany. We are indeed perhaps better able than other generations to realize the full meaning of those pious words "What a change by the grace of God." ....

Amongst the accusations which are directed against Germany in the so called democracies, is the charge that the National Socialist State is a hostile to religion. In answer to that charge I should like to make before the German people the following solemn declaration:

1. No one in Germany has in the past been persecuted because of his religious views [Einstellung], nor will anyone in the future be so persecuted.

2. The National Socialist State since 30 January 1933 from public monies derived from taxation through the organs of the State has placed at the disposal of both Churches the following sums:

In the fiscal year 1933 130 million Reichsmark
In the fiscal year 1934 170 million Reichsmark
In the fiscal year 1935 250 million Reichsmark
In the fiscal year 1936 320 million Reichsmark
In the fiscal year 1937 400 million Reichsmark
In the fiscal year 1938 500 million Reichsmark 

In addition to this there has been paid over some 85 million Reichsmark each year from contributions of the separate States, and some 7 million Reichsmark from contributions of the parishes and parish-associations. Apart from this the Churches are the greatest landed proprietors after the State. The value of their property in land and forests represents more than some 10 milliards of Reichsmark, while the annual income from this landed property is to be estimated as over 300 million Reichsmark. To this must be added countless gifts, testamentary dispositions and above all the sums arising from collections in the Churches. Further, the Church in the National Socialist State is in many ways favored in regard to taxation and for gifts, legacies & etc., it enjoys immunity from Taxation.

It is therefore, to put it mildly....effrontery when especially foreign politicians make bold to speak of hostility to religion in the Third Reich. But if it be true that the German Churches regard this position as intolerable, the the National Socialist State is at any time ready to undertake a clear separation between Church and State as is already the case in France, America and other countries, I would allow myself only one question: "What contributions during the same period have France, England or the United States made through the State from the public funds?"

3. The National Socialist State has not closed a church, nor has it prevented the holding of a religious service, nor has it ever excised any influence upon the form of a a religious service. It has not exercised any pressure upon the doctrine nor on the profession of faith of any of the Confessions. In the National Socialist State anyone is free to seek his blessedness after his own fashion.

It is however true that if priests, instead of being servants of God, prefer to regard as their mission the abuse of our present Reich, it's institutions or it's leaders, then the National Socialist State will relentlessly force them to realize that no one will be suffered to destroy this State, and that priests so soon as they set themselves beyond the law will by the law be brought to account precisely in the same way as any other German citizen. But it must be at this point established that there are ten thousands and ten thousands of priests of all Christian Confessions who perform their ecclesiastical duties just as well as of probably better than the political agitators without ever coming into conflict with the laws of the State. To protect these the State regards as its task; the destruction of the enemies of the State it regards as its duty.

4. The National Socialist State is neither prudish nor mendacious. But there are definite moral principles which must be maintained in the interest of the biological health of the nation; violations of these principles we will not permit Pederasty or offenses against children will be punished by law in this State whoever commits these crimes. Five years ago when leaders of the National Socialist Party were guilty of these crimes, they were shot. If other persons, whether in private or public life, or even if priests commit the same offenses, they will be punished according to law either with imprisonment of penal servitude. Other offenses of priests against their vows of celibacy, etc., do not concern us;there has never been a word on this subject in our Press.

Apart from this, this State has only once intervened in the internal regulation of the Churches, that is when I myself in 1933 endeavored to unite the weak and divided Protestant Churches of the different States into one great and powerful Evangelical Church through violence against its own representatives. If these foreign countries and in particular certain democratic statesmen champion with such energy the cause of individual German priests, that action can have only a political ground, for these same statesmen were completely silent when in Russia hundreds of thousands of priests were massacred or burnt; they are completely silent when in Spain tens of thousands of priests and nuns are slaughtered in a bestial way or are even, while still living thrown into the flames.

They could not--they cannot--deny these facts! but they are silent; they say not a word, while many National Socialist and Fascist volunteers offered themselves to General Franco in order to help him stay the further spread of this Bolshevist blood intoxication over Europe, that is, over the greater part of civilized humanity. Of this fact the democratic statesmen should take notice. For it was anxiety for European culture and for true civilization which caused Germany to take sides in this fight of Nationalist Spain against Bolshevist destroyers. It is a sorry sign of the mentality in several countries that their people are utterly unable to comprehend an action springing from such unselfish motives. But Germany has taken part in the revolt of General Franco only from the warm desire that he might succeed in freeing his country from danger to which Germany itself formerly all but fell a victim.

It cannot therefore be sympathy with or pity for persecuted servants of God which has mobilized the interest of democratic citizens in certain priests who in Germany have come into conflict with the law: no, it is interest in the enemy of the German State. But on one point it is well that there should be no uncertainty: the German priests as servants of God we shall protect, the priest as political enemy we shall destroy. We believe that in the way we shall best avoid a development which, as the course of events in Spain has shown, might otherwise only too easily leas to a defensive action on an incalculable scale. Further, I would wish to explain one pint of principle: it appears that in certain circles abroad it is thought that a specially vigorous expression of sympathy with those elements which in Germany have come into conflict with the law might have as a consequence an alleviation of their position. Perhaps is is hoped through certain methods of publicity to be able to exercise a terrorist influence on the German Government. This is based upon a profound mistake. In the support given from abroad to actions directed against the State we see the conclusive confirmation of their treasonable character. For the mere opposition to a regime has never extorted from the democratic countries any sympathy; nor indeed has such sympathy been aroused by the persecution or punishment of a political offender. For when was there in Germany a stronger opposition than that formed by the National Socialist? Yet never was an opposition oppressed, persecuted, and harried with baser means than was that of the National Socialist Party. But to our honor we can assert that never on that account have we enjoyed the pity or the support of such a foreign power. This support therefore seems to be intended only for those who are planning to destroy the German Reich. In consequence of this, in every single case we shall in this sympathy see only the compelling reason for an intensification of our measures.

The German nation has no feeling of hatred towards England, America or France; all it wants is peace and quiet. But the other nations are continually being stirred up to hatred for Germany and the German people by Jewish and non-Jewish agitators. And so, should warmongers achieve what they are aiming at our own people would be landed in a situation for which they would be psychologically quite unprepared and which they would thus fail to grasp. I therefore consider in necessary that from now on our propaganda and our Press should always make a point of answering these attacks, and above all bring them to the notice of the German people. The German nation must know who the men are who want to bring about war by hook or crook. It is my conviction that these people are mistaken in their calculations, for when once National Socialist propaganda is devoted to the answering of the attacks, we shall succeed just as we succeeded inside Germany herself in overcoming, through the convincing power of our propaganda, the Jewish world-enemy. The nations will in a short time realize that National Socialist Germany wants no enmity with other nations; that all the assertions as to our intended attacks on other nations are lies, lies born of morbid hysteria, or of a mania for self-preservation on the part of certain politicians; but that in certain States these lies are being used by unscrupulous profiteers to salvage their own finances. That, above all, international Jewry may hope in this way to satisfy its thirst for revenge and gain, but that on the other hand this is the grossest defamation which can be brought to bear on a great and peace loving nation. Never, for instance, have German soldiers fought on American soil, unless ir was in the cause of American Independence and freedom; but American soldiers were brought to Europe to help strangle a great nation which was fighting for its freedom. Germany did not attack America, but America attacked Germany and as the Committee of Investigation of the American House of Representatives concluded: from purely capitalist motives, without any other cause. There is but one thing that everyone should realize: these attempts cannot influence Germany in the slightest as to the way in which she settles her Jewish problem. On the contrary, in connection with the Jewish question I have this to say: it is a shameful spectacle to see how the whole democratic world is oozing sympathy for the poor tormented Jewish people, but remains hard-hearted and obdurate when it comes to helping them – which is surely, in view of its attitude, an obvious duty. The arguments that are brought up as an excuse for not helping them actually speak for us Germans and Italians.

For this is what they say:

1. "We," that is the democracies, "are not in a position to take in the Jews." Yet in these empires there are not 10 people to the square kilometer. While Germany, with her 135 inhabitants to the square kilometer, is supposed to have room for them!

2. They assure us: We cannot take them unless Germany is prepared to allow them a certain amount of capital to bring with them as immigrants.

For hundreds of years Germany was good enough to receive these elements, although they possessed nothing except infectious political and physical diseases. What they possess today, they have by a very large extent gained at the cost of the less astute German nation by the most reprehensible manipulations.

Today we are merely paying this people what it deserves. When the German nation was, thanks to the inflation instigated and carried through by Jews, deprived of the entire savings which it had accumulated in years of honest work, when the rest of the world took away the German nation’s foreign investments, when we were divested of the whole of our colonial possessions, these philanthropic considerations evidently carried little noticeable weight with democratic statesmen.

Today I can only assure these gentlemen that, thanks to the brutal education with which the democracies favored us for fifteen years, we are completely hardened to all attacks of sentiment. After more than eight hundred thousand children of the nation had died of hunger and undernourishment at the close of the War, we witnessed almost one million head of milking cows being driven away from us in accordance with the cruel paragraphs of a dictate which the humane democratic apostles of the world forced upon us as a peace treaty. We witnessed over one million German prisoners of war being retained in confinement for no reason at all for a whole year after the War was ended. We witnessed over one and a half million Germans being torn away from all that they possessed in the territories lying on our frontiers, and being whipped out with practically only what they wore on their backs. We had to endure having millions of our fellow countrymen torn from us without their consent, and without their being afforded the slightest possibility of existence. I could supplement these examples with dozens of the most cruel kind. For this reason we ask to be spared all sentimental talk. The German nation does not wish its interests to be determined and controlled by any foreign nation. France to the French, England o the English, America to the Americans, and Germany to the Germans. We are resolved to prevent the settlement in our country of a strange people which was capable of snatching for itself all the leading positions in the land, and to oust it.

For it is our will to educate our own nation for these leading positions. We have hundreds of thousands of very intelligent children of peasants and of the working classes. We shall have them educated – in fact we have already begun – and we wish that one day they, and not the representatives of an alien race, may hold the leading positions in the State together with our educated classes. Above all, German culture, as its name alone shows, is German and not Jewish, and therefore its management and care will be entrusted to members of our own nation. If the rest of the world cries out with a hypocritical mien against this barbaric expulsion from Germany of such an irreplaceable and culturally eminently valuable element, we can only be astonished at the conclusions they draw from this situation. For how thankful they must be that we are releasing these precious apostles of culture, and placing them at the disposal of the rest of the world. In accordance with their own declarations they cannot find a single reason to excuse themselves for refusing to receive this most valuable race in their own countries. Nor can I see a reason why the members of this race should be imposed upon the German nation, while in the States, which are so enthusiastic about these "splendid people," their settlement should suddenly be refused with every imaginable excuse. I think that the sooner this problem is solved the better; for Europe cannot settle down until the Jewish question is cleared up. It may very well be possible that sooner or later an agreement on this problem may be reached in Europe, even between those nations which otherwise do not so easily come together.

The world has sufficient space for settlements, but we must once and for all get rid of the opinion that the Jewish race was only created by God for the purpose of being in a certain percentage a parasite living on the body and the productive work of other nations. The Jewish race will have to adapt itself to sound constructive activity as other nations do, or sooner or later it will succumb to a crisis of an inconceivable magnitude.

One thing I should like to say on this day which may be memorable for others as well as for us Germans: In the course of my life I have very often been a prophet, and have usually been ridiculed for it. During the time of my struggle for power it was in the first instance the Jewish race which only received my prophecies with laughter when I said that I would one day take over the leadership of the State, and with it that of the whole nation, and that I would then among many other things settle the Jewish problem. Their laughter was uproarious, but I think that for some time now they have been laughing on the other side of their face. Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!

For the time when the non-Jewish nations had no propaganda is at an end. National Socialist Germany and Fascist Italy have institutions which enable them when necessary to enlighten the world about the nature of a question of which many nations are instinctively conscious, but which then have not yet clearly thought out. At the moment the Jews in certain countries may be fomenting hatred under the protection of the press, of the film, of wireless propaganda, of the theatre, of literature, etc., all of which they control. If this nation should once more succeed in inciting the millions which compose the nations into a conflict which is utterly senseless and only serves Jewish interests, then there will be reveled the effectiveness of an enlightenment which has completely routed the Jews of Germany in the space of a few years. The nations are no longer willing to die on the battlefield so that this unstable international race may profiteer from a war or satisfy its Old Testament vengeance. The Jewish watchword "Workers of the world unite" will be conquered by a higher realization, namely "Workers of all classes and of all nations, recognize your common enemy!"

Fuehrer Adolf Hitler <—Yeesh! What a bore! And liar as well.
Adolf Hitler’s Antisemitic Quotes

Hitler Predicted Holocaust As Early As January 30, 1939
editor Tuesday 13 October 2009

By Emerson Vermaat

“Today, I will once more be a prophet. If the international finance-Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations of the world into a world war yet again, then the result will not be the bolzhevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.” This gloomy prediction was made by Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

This gloomy prediction was made by Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) in a spectacular speech to the German parliament, the so-called “Reichstag”, on January 30, 1939. A hysterical applause followed the delivery these menacing remarks. Among those who applauded was Reichstag President Hermann Göring – situated in the President’s chair just above Hitler.It is now precisely seventy years ago that this event occurred, and it was the first time that the so-called “Führer and Reich Chancellor” announced that the “Jewish race” would be annihilated. Hitler’s Reichstag speech of January 30, 1939, has often been quoted in history books on the Third Reich and the Holocaust. Less well known, however, is the fact that Hitler publicly repeated his doomsday prophecy six times: on January 30, 1941, January 30, 1942, February 15, 1942, September 30, 1942, November 8, 1942 and February 24, 1943. (He also publicly said his warnings on the destiny of the Jews were “prophetic” – obviously, he regarded himself as a kind Messiah or prophet.)

Why did Hitler choose that cold winter day of January 30, 1939, as the first occasion to announce “the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe”? It was because this very day marked the sixth anniversary of the Nazi takeover in Germany. It was on January 30, 1933, that Hitler became Germany’s Federal (“Reich”) Chancellor.

Hitler was a hysterical anti-Semitic fanatic who had written a book called “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”) in 1925/26. His “National Socialist Workers Party”(NSDAP) really began to make an impact only after the 1929 crash on Wall Street and the subsequent economic crisis resulting in mass unemployment in Germany and many other countries. Hitler, presented by the Nazis as “our last hope” (“unsere letzte Hoffnung”), appealed to the crisis-stricken German people promising the poor and unemployed jobs and money. The October 1929 financial meltdown followed after the credit bubble of the 1920s.  Hitler blamed “Jewish capitalism” for the crisis.

On January 30, 1933, the Nazis were jubilant. Their “Führer” (=leader) and Messiah had finally been appointed Federal Chancellor. By the summer of 1933, Hitler and his Nazi Party had transformed Germany into a single party dictatorship. Six years later the Führer predicted the destruction (“Vernichtung”) of the “Jewish race” in Europe.  And he did repeat this threat twice on two other anniversaries of the Nazi takeover: January 30, 1941 and January 30, 1942. This shows that Hitler himself regarded the annihilation of the “Jewish race” as an essential part of the Nazi program and agenda. Indeed, this was his core business, possibly the real reason why he began wage war against the rest of Europe. The Nazi plans for Europe were Germanization, enslavement and extermination of Jews and other “undesirables”. It was a war against civilization and dignity.

Adolf Hitler on his alliance with the devil.







ISIS vs. al Qaeda: The Jihadist Divide

Why Al-Qaeda Kicked Out Its Deadly Syria Franchise
Feb. 3, 2014

After a protracted turf battle, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria finds itself on the outs. That will likely make things even more dangerous

Early Monday morning the leadership of al-Qaeda disowned the Islamic State of Iraq and greater Syria (ISIS), the most effective of its two franchises fighting in Syria, in a maneuver that could alter the trajectory of the fight against President Bashar Assad. In a message posted on jihadi websites the al-Qaeda general command stated that its former affiliate “is not a branch of the al-Qaeda group [and al-Qaeda] does not have an organizational relationship with it and is not the group responsible for their actions.”

The move had been a long time in the making. Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri has grown increasingly frustrated with ISIS, ever since Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, expanded into the Syrian conflict in April and attempted to bring the local al-Qaeda franchise, the Nusra Front, under his control. Zawahiri intervened in May, admonishing Baghdadi to go back to Iraq, but Baghdadi refused, snapping back in a terse audio recording. “I have to choose between the rule of God and the rule of Zawahiri, and I choose the rule of God.” It was a rare demonstration of defiance in an organization that demands absolute loyalty. Nonetheless, Zawahiri seemed prepared to let the matter lie, apparently in recognition of Baghdadi’s growing strength; by that time, ISIS, recently strengthened by an influx of foreign fighters, had taken control of the Syrian city of Raqqa. That brought al-Qaeda the closest it had ever been to achieving a longterm goal — establishing an Islamic state.

But ISIS’s savagery and draconian interpretations of Islamic law alienated many Syrians and drove a wedge between rebel groups. On Jan. 3, fighting broke out between ISIS and a new alliance that included the Nusra Front. ISIS has managed to stand its ground, but this most recent al-Qaeda announcement could lead to a greater conflagration. Al-Qaeda central may not have been able to stop Baghdadi outright, but the threat of excommunication seemed to have reined in his worst tendencies — his deadly campaign of suicide-bomb attacks in Iraq has not yet been replicated in Syria to the same degree. ISIS is now likely to lash out with increased attacks as it tries to prove its efficacy in spite of losing its valuable al-Qaeda designation.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi contested al-Zawahiri's ruling and the group continued to operate in Syria. (AFP)

So wicked that even Al Qaeda disowned them: Letter found at Bin Laden's hideout warned of Islamic State's extreme brutality

  • 21-page letter found at the Pakistan hideout where Bin Laden was killed
  • Note said Islamic State of Iraq and Syria could damage Al Qaeda's reputation
  • Memo documented acts of barbarism including bombing mosques
  • ISIS, now called Islamic State, has control of area larger than Great Britain
Lying among a pile of papers at the hideout in Pakistan where Osama Bin Laden was shot dead was a carefully worded 21-page letter.

It warned of the rise of a new and ruthless group of Islamic extremists capable of such extreme brutality that Al Qaeda should sever all links with them.

In fact, it claimed the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (or ISIS) had such complete disregard for civilian life that it could damage the reputation of Al Qaeda – if such a thing were possible for an organisation that has long traded in murderous terrorism.

The document, written by one of Bin Laden’s senior officials in 2011, went on to catalogue some of its acts of barbarism – including the use of chlorine gas as a chemical weapon, bombing mosques  and a massacre in a Catholic church  in Baghdad.

In essence, the letter said that ISIS was simply too extreme even for the group that killed thousands in the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001.

Today, ISIS, which now styles itself as simply Islamic State (IS), has become a powerful military force that has control of an area larger than Great Britain.

Living under its ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam are six million people, a population larger than that of Ireland, Denmark or Finland.

Its trademark black jihadi flag has  fluttered in the background of chilling ‘promotional’ videos of executions – including crucifixions and beheadings – as the militia seizes vast areas of Iraq and Syria. In short, the ‘caliphate’ – or Islamic state – it claims to have established represents the biggest shift in the political geography of the Middle East since  the borders of modern Iraq and Syria were drawn under the Sykes-Picot  agreement drafted between Britain and France in 1916. 

To understand the threat Islamic State poses to the region, it first needs to be appreciated how it has grown into a force to rival Al Qaeda.

The group was founded by 43-year-old Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, a firebrand cleric held prisoner for four years by American troops in Iraq.

The leader, a Sunni Muslim who despises the Shia-run Iraqi government, now commands more than 10,000 fighters, many of them former Saddam Hussein-era soldiers or disenchanted Sunnis who lost power and influence after the fall of the dictator’s regime.

More worryingly, foreign Islamic extremists, including about 500 Britons, have joined IS to fight in Syria and Iraq.

The group controls valuable oil fields and, with the help of wealthy Sunni backers from the Gulf states, is estimated to have amassed a staggering £1.2billion. It has even sold 8,000-year-old antiquities it has seized.

But its real assets lie in the fanatical loyalty of its fighters (they all swear allegiance to IS) and the state-of-the-art weaponry they now possess.

Much of its armoury was seized during a lightning advance several weeks ago, when fleeing Iraqi  troops abandoned the artillery and armoured vehicles that they had been given by US forces.

With captured American Humvees and the latest precision firepower,  it is more than a match for the  formidable Kurdish peshmerga – which defends the Kurds’ semi-autonomous region in the north – and its 12.7mm Soviet-era machine guns and outdated Russian  T-55 tanks.

As Ali Khedery, a former American official who advised US generals in Iraq, has said: ‘They are literally outgunned by an IS that is fighting with hundreds of millions of dollars of US military equipment seized from the Iraqi Army, which  abandoned it.’

So it would be naive in the extreme to think of Islamic State as a motley crew of scrappers.
A force capable of meting out so much wanton violence is invariably led by commanders who rule with an iron will.

But what marks them out as being particularly savvy is the way they have used social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to create a digital ‘public relations’ machine to promote their jihad and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Any fighter on the ground can film an act of brutality and upload the footage in a matter of minutes – although some videos of botched amputations or killings have led to a clampdown by IS commanders. One Spanish fighter promised  to upload a film of a man being  crucified for his friends back home, but was quickly reprimanded by  his superiors.

His later contrite posting simply read, ‘Our leadership forbade anyone filming it.’

However, the videos already in  circulation have already created a climate of terror.

Some opposition soldiers, particularly in Syria, are defecting to the group. After all, IS has money – some of which is said to have come through private donations from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Equally, those captured by the militia face a stark choice – defect or die.

Despite being trained by American troops, the Iraqi army has proven worryingly ineffective in taking on this threat.

It’s why the terrorists now control much of the north of the country. They have also seized a former chemical weapons plant and a large dam that could be blown up to flood the regions downstream.

The populations of the Kurdish capital of Irbil, as well as the national capital Baghdad, are now in no doubt as to the fate that would befall them if these Sunni extremists prevail.

If IS cannot be stopped, they are clinging to the hope that rescue will come in the form of Iran, which supports Iraq’s Shia-led government, or the US.

However, both countries are reluctant to commit troops on the ground in the political and religious quagmire of Iraq.

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi knows this only too well.

It is why his IS troops have been so emboldened to sweep across much of Syria and northern Iraq in recent weeks. In the past fortnight they have fought on five fronts: against the Iraqi army, the Kurdish peshmerga, Bashar Al-Assad’s Syrian regime, the Syrian opposition and the Lebanese army.

When he was released by the American military police from the Camp Bucca detention facility in Umm Qasr, where he was held as an insurgent, al Baghdadi said ominously: ‘I will see you guys in New York.’

A fanciful threat?

Perhaps not, when you consider that the greatest threat Islamic State poses to the world is that this so-called caliphate becomes a training ground for international terrorism, and unleashes an army of extremists against the West to kill and maim far from the bloodsoaked deserts of Iraq.




            On this date, February 3, 1945, one of Adolf Hitler’s most notorious Hanging Judge, Roland Freisler, whom some people nicknamed him, ‘Hitler’s Blood Judge’, was killed in an air raid. Please go to this previous blog post to learn more about him.

Roland Freisler



            70 years ago on this date, 3 February 1946, Nazi War Criminal, Friedrich Jeckeln was executed by hanging at Riga. 

Photograph (mugshot) of Nazi SS General Friedrich Jeckeln in Soviet custody.

Friedrich Jeckeln (standing, at left) SS war criminal and murder, on trial in 1946 in Riga.

Friedrich August Jeckeln (2 February 1895, Hornberg, Baden – 3 February 1946) was an SS-Obergruppenführer who served as an SS and Police Leader in the occupied Soviet Union during World War II. Jeckeln was the commanding SS General over one of the largest collection of Einsatzgruppenand was personally responsible for ordering and organizing the deaths of over 100,000 Jews, Slavs, Romani, and other "undesirables" of Nazi Germany. After the end of World War II, Jeckeln was convicted as a war criminal and executed in 1946.






Dietrich Bonhoeffer on abortion

QUOTE:Destruction of the embryo in the mother's womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life. To raise the question whether we are here concerned already with a human being or not is merely to confuse the issue. The simple fact is that God certainly intended to create a human being and that this nascent human being has been deliberately deprived of his life. And that is nothing but murder. [Ethics]

AUTHOR:Dietrich Bonhoeffer (German: [ˈdiːtʁɪç ˈboːnhœfɐ]; February 4, 1906 – April 9, 1945) was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, dissident anti-Nazi and founding member of the Confessing Church. His writings on Christianity's role in the secular world have become widely influential, and many have labelled his book The Cost of Discipleship a modern classic.
Apart from his theological writings, Bonhoeffer became known for his staunch resistance to the Nazi dictatorship. He strongly opposed Hitler's euthanasia program and genocidal persecution of the Jews. He was also involved in plans by members of the Abwehr (the German Military Intelligence Office) to assassinate Adolf Hitler. He was arrested in April 1943 by the Gestapo and executed by hanging in April 1945 while imprisoned at a Nazi concentration camp, just 23 days before the German surrender.



Josef Mengele sometime before 1945

Josef Mengele(German: [ˈjoːzɛf ˈmɛŋələ] (listen); 16 March 1911 – 7 February 1979) was a German Schutzstaffel (SS) officer and physician in Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. Mengele was a notorious member of the team of doctors responsible for the selection of victims to be killed in the gas chambers and for performing deadly human experiments on prisoners. Arrivals deemed able to work were admitted into the camp, and those deemed unfit for labor were immediately killed in the gas chambers. Mengele left Auschwitz on 17 January 1945, shortly before the arrival of the liberating Red Army troops. After the war, he fled to South America, where he evaded capture for the rest of his life.

Mengele received doctorates in anthropology and medicine from Munich Universityand began a career as a researcher. He joined the Nazi Party in 1937 and the SS in 1938. Initially assigned as a battalion medical officer at the start of World War II, he transferred to the concentration camp service in early 1943 and was assigned to Auschwitz. There he saw the opportunity to conduct genetic research on human subjects. His subsequent experiments, focusing primarily on twins, had no regard for the health or safety of the victims.

Assisted by a network of former SS members, Mengele sailed to Argentina in July 1949. He initially lived in and around Buenos Aires, then fled to Paraguay in 1959 and Brazil in 1960 while being sought by West Germany, Israel, and Nazi hunters such as Simon Wiesenthal so that he could be brought to trial. In spite of extradition requests by the West German government and clandestine operations by Mossad (the Israeli intelligence agency), Mengele eluded capture. He drowned while swimming off the Brazilian coast in 1979 and was buried under a false name. His remains were disinterred and positively identified by forensic examination in 1985.



Save The Babies. End Abortion

The common sense conservative policy for abortion
Written by Allen West on January 22, 2014

So often I speak with people who say, “Republicans have to stop talking about social issues, stop saying anything about abortion.” Well, I have to humbly disagree. There must be a common sense conservative policy on social issues, including abortion. If not, progressive socialists will continue to drag Republicans down that rabbit hole believing they own the issue, which they do not.

Today marks the 40th anniversary of legalized abortion in all 9 months of pregnancy, for any reason in America and the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision. Let me quantify what that actually means.

According to an analysis by LifeNews.com, there have been approximately 55,772,015 abortions since the 1973 decision. And in the black community there have been approximately 13 million black babies aborted.

Further breakdown of the LifeNews.com analysis shows there are more than 3,300 abortions daily and 137 abortions per hour every hour in the United States. It means about every 30 seconds, a human life is aborted in the United States.

I certainly support women’s reproductive health. I believe we should be doing everything to find cures for ovarian, cervical, uterine, and breast cancers. But I do not believe women’s reproductive health is synonymous with killing babies.

As a matter of fact, I can almost bet most Americans would agree abortion should not be a primary means of birth control.

We should not promote infanticide in America, which is exactly what late term abortions are. I wholeheartedly disagree with President Obama who as a state senator in Illinois supported legislation stating that a baby that survives an abortion still deserves to die — what type of monster takes that position? And no, having a baby is not a punishment Mr. President.

What disturbs me the most is that politics have overtaken our sensibility. Women’s rights are not just defined by killing babies. And it is pure politics of demagoguery and fear to make women believe that anyone is trying to dictate what they do with their bodies.

However, do not try the heinous practice of ending the life of an unborn child behind a discussion on rights. We are talking about something that has grown to epidemic proportion and no one seeks to force women into back alleys. Let’s talk about this issue responsibly.

In the past 50 years we appear to have lost the war on poverty. But in the past 43 years we have lost nearly 54 million future Americans — they were not a burden, they were a blessing, God’s everyday miracle of life. Lives who will never know the American dream — and in the black community, will never know of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. We can do better and I am proudly a pro-life Conservative. Good thing I don’t live in New York State.



            On this date, February 11, 2015, Walter Storey was executed by lethal injection in Missouri. He was convicted of the February 1990 murder of Jill Frey

Walter Storey
Victim: Special education teacher Jill Frey, pictured, was brutally beaten and had her throat slit by Storey in 1990 at her St Charles, Missouri home

Case Facts: 

On February 2, 1990, Storey received a divorce petition from his wife. Later that night, by his own admission, Storey got a knife from his kitchen, climbed up the balcony of his across-the-hall neighbor Jill Frey, entered her apartment, took her pocketbook and car keys, "struggled" with her, and stole her car.

The next day, again by his own admission, Storey reentered Frey’s apartment using the stolen keys, tried to wipe his fingerprints from anything he had touched, cleaned under Frey’s fingernails with her own toothbrush, put evidence in a dumpster, and threw Frey’s keys in the lake behind her apartment.

The day after that, Frey failed to appear for work, so her co-workers came to check on her. They found Frey’s body in the bedroom.

She had six broken ribs; she had been hit in the face and head 12 times; she had a non-fatal stab wound in her side. Most or all of these injuries were inflicted before she was killed by two six inch cuts across her throat.

Murderer who slit teacher's throat for beer money sings as he is executed - after attempt to stop lethal injection because HE didn't want to die in pain is rejected

  • Walter Storey, 47, executed for 1990 killing of school teacher neighbor Jill Frey at her home in St Charles, Missouri
  • Storey broke in and brutally beat Miss Frey, 36, and slit her throat so deeply her spine was damaged 
  • The killer sang for a minute after receiving the lethal injection. He was pronounced dead after nine minutes
  • In a final statement, Storey said: 'For this world full of anger, hate and revenge, I would like to pray for peace, forgiveness and love!'
A convicted murderer who was given a lethal injection for the brutal killing of a special education teacher sang for a minute after receiving his fatal dose before he was pronounced dead.

Walter Timothy Storey, 47, died nine minutes after receiving the lethal drug at 12.01am on Wednesday at the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center in Bonne Terre, Missouri.

In a final statement, Storey said: 'For this world full of anger, hate and revenge, I would like to pray for peace, forgiveness and love! I love everyone, even those who are doing this deed.'  

On February 2 1990, a drunk Storey, then 22, broke into an apartment next door to his mother's home in St Charles, where he was living, to steal money for more beer. 

Jill Frey, a 36-year-old special education teacher, had left the sliding glass door on to her balcony open.

Storey confronted Miss Frey in her bedroom and viciously beat her, leaving the woman with six broken ribs and severe head and facial wounds.

He used a kitchen knife to slit her throat so deeply that her spine was damaged. Miss Frey died of blood loss and asphyxiation.

The killer then returned the next day to clean up blood, throw clothes in a trash bin and scrub Miss Frey's fingernails to remove any traces of his skin.

The 36-year-old's body was discovered after she failed to report for work on Monday morning.

However Storey failed to spot a key piece of evidence: blood on a dresser.

'There was a really good palm print in blood,' said Mike Harvey, a retired St. Charles detective who now works as an investigator for the St. Charles County prosecutor.

Lab analysis matched the print to Storey, whose prints were on file for a previous crime.

The St Louis-Dispatch reported that the victim's brother, Jeff Frey, was among the 14 people who watched Storey die.

He read a statement which said: 'This guy had no mercy on Jill but now we are expected to have mercy on him.'

His sister had dedicated her life to helping children with special needs, Mr Frey said, adding: 'To say Jill was a special person is an understatement.'

He said that waiting 25 years to watch Storey executed had been excruciating for Jill's loved ones and that her parents had passed away before they could see their daughter's killer die.

Storey claimed that he had been upset over his pending divorce when he killed Miss Frey. 

Storey was convicted and sentenced to death.

He was executed on Wednesday after losing an 11th hour-appeal to the Supreme Court on grounds that the lethal injection could cause a painful death. 

Missouri obtains execution drug, pentobarbital, from an unnamed compounding pharmacy, and prison officials refused to disclose details about how or if it has been tested.

Storey's attorney argued that the secrecy made it impossible to know if the barbiturate would work quickly or cause an unconstitutionally painful death.

The U.S. Supreme Court and Missouri Governor Jay Nixon denied appeals to spare his life.
It was Missouri's first execution of the year after the state executed a record ten inmates in 2014.     

Last month, the Supreme Court put three executions in Oklahoma on hold until a decision is reached on the method of lethal injection used. 

Storey was sentenced to death three separate times in the case.

The Missouri Supreme Court tossed the murder conviction the first time, citing concerns about ineffective assistance of counsel and 'egregious' errors committed by Kenny Hulshof, who was with the Missouri attorney general's office at the time and handled the prosecution. 
Mr Hulshof was later a congressman and a candidate for governor.

Storey was tried again in 1997, and sentenced again to death. That conviction was also overturned, due to a procedural error by the judge. 

Storey was sentenced to death a third time in 1999.

Storey's lawyer had said he was remorseful for his crimes and had spent 'thousands of hours' working in a restorative justice program in prison, trying to help crime victims.

U.S. states have executed seven people so far in 2015 after putting 35 inmates to death last year., according to the Death Penalty Information Center.

Missouri will change its time for executions from midnight to 6pm starting with the next scheduled execution in March, according to the St Louis Post-Dispatch

A local anti-death penalty group held a vigil on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning in Springfield, the state capital. 




            On this date, February 12, 2014, Juan Carlos Chavez was executed by lethal injection in Florida. He was convicted of the September 11, 1995 murder of 9-year-old Jimmy Ryce.

Juan Carlos Chavez

Victim: 9-year-old Jimmy Ryce




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