QUOTE:“Any 'pro-life' effort that temporizes on contraception will be ultimately futile. Legalized abortions in the United States are usually estimated at about 1.5 million a year. This figure, however, does not include early abortions caused by the intrauterine device and some so-called contraceptive pills. Such early abortions have been estimated at between 6.4 and 8.8 million each year in this country."
[No Exception: A Pro-Life Imperative, by Charles E. Rice, p. 46]
AUTHOR: Charles Edward Rice (born August 7, 1931) is an American legal scholar, Catholic apologist, and author of several books. He is best known for his career at the Notre Dame Law School at Notre Dame, Indiana. He began teaching there in 1969, and in 2000 earned Professor Emeritus status. He still teaches an elective course called "Morality and the Law" each spring.